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The first con I ever went to was Kumoricon 07. I went one day in normal clothes the second day I went as Ritsuka (it wasn't a great costume, just something thrown together quickly). From then on I have become obsessed. It started out slowly now it has grown and will continue to grow. I sadly don't have much sewing skills to that leads me to find other ways of getting/making costumes. I typically buy them and alter them to look and fit right or I buy clothes and alter them for the costume.

I really like to learn new techniques to make anything from armor to clothes, to props. Learning is half the fun of cosplaying. There have been several times that I want to quit but I keep at it.

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Rai_Kamishiro says, "LOOKING GOOD. "
For Jolyne Kujo from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
UsagiHime says, "I love the colors <3 "
For Jolyne Kujo from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Athel says, "YUMMY ABS~! BP"
For Judar from Magi Labyrinth of Magic
nikkiolie says, "Thank you *-* "
For Judar from Magi Labyrinth of Magic
Dokudel says, "Great job on the wig!"
For Judar from Magi Labyrinth of Magic