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A big Hello to everyone I've had the pleasure of already meeting. To those of you whom I have not had the honor of meeting... A big hello to you as well :D

I've been an anime fan for a very long time. I'm pretty much all over the board with my tastes. One of my fav. series is "The Irresponsible Captain Tylor." I love the character interaction, the sheer comedy, the science fiction element, and well... just about everything about it. It's a classic. I also love Sailor Moon and other shoujo/mahou-shoujo series. So far I've made myself 2 costumes. One was Noah from Fullmetal Alchemist. It debuted at Acen 2007. The other is my current costume of Azalyn from "The Irresponsible Captain Tylor." I first wore it this year at Acen. Since my husband and I both enjoy Anime a great deal, I try to make costumes for the both of us from the same show. He has been Havok (FMA) and Tylor (Irres. Cpt. Tylor). Other than these two sets of costumes, I've a very small handful of other costumes/accessories for my kids. I hope to keep improving my skill level and perhaps compete in a Masquerade next year or so. :)

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RainyDayRainbow says, "Thats awesome!!!!! Great job!"
For Azalyn from Irresponsible Captain Tylor