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Cosplayer Kayoshin > Costume of *Creamy Mami (*Maho no Tenshi Creamy Mami)

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*Maho no Tenshi Creamy Mami
*Creamy Mami
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
The costume has totally been made by me! For the pink dress I made a round skirt and a sleevlees top sewing them together using some pink strech sintheric leather I found at the fabric store, then I trimmed the collar of the top with a red satin ribbon and white organza ribbon to make the frills all around. For the shoes I spray painted red some old 80's pumps, and the I made the ankle butterfly style bows with white organza and red satin ribbon. The wig it's a good quality one styled by me. I then made the magical star shaped wand usig a styrofoam Christmas decoration painted pink and decorated with extra pieces, and then the mycrophone, made with cartboard, wooden and styrofoam balls glued all together and colored with pastel acrylic colors.
Personal Thoughts:
Another magical anime from my childhood and maybe my favourite! <3
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