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Cosplayer pretendimtall > Costume of *Crow (Persona 5)

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Persona 5
Year Completed:
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
I just changed the shoulder trim out from what they gave me to something else. I made the mask from thiccish craft foam. Just eyeballed the pattern and went for it. The edges are cut at an angle to make sure the mask is like a mask and not like a taco. Just some TLC from a dremel and hand sanding afterwards then modge podge, more sanding tlc and red paint. He's still alive after fanime XD. The rest of the outfit was just as it came when I bought it.
Personal Thoughts:
Heckin hot glue
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Wig Name
Cfalaicos Brown Mixed
Original Color:
Styling Time
2idh hours
Styling Notes
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