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Cosplayer Mario Bueno > Costume of Mario (Super Mario Brothers Series)

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Super Mario Brothers Series
Special Variation:
Rave Outfit
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
*All items bought save for the hat, which was made by NeoAngelWink.

(Hats available here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/AthenasWink)
Personal Thoughts:
(Description copypasted with small revisions to save time, lol...)

Ok, if your name is Mario and you cosplay, and a friend of yours presents you with a Mario hat as a gift...what're you gonna do?

Do the Mario, of course:-P

I had realized once I got the hat that all I'd need is to bum a pair of red UFO pants off a friend, get a red puffy vest (originally a red hooded vest of some sort), some fingerless white gloves, and BAM...instant rave variation of Mario. Trouble was, I was kinda blond for most of 2005, so that idea had to hold until that changed. 0_0;

And so it did, and after being able to grab all the aforementioned items (and running a test at a rave in January), I went for it in 2007. The idea was a simple rave variation on the classic Mario costume: instead of a goofy-ass moustache, a semi-trendy beard, and instead of short hair, long hair in a ponytail w/ two large bangs hanging down the front.

Suffice to say, I expected to wear this only for a short time at Katsucon '06, but given that I had no room left in my bag and needed something that came close to normal clothing, I basically wore this as my "plainclothes" for Friday and some of Sunday. ^_^; Hopefully I can add the "Do the Mario" slogan to the back of the vest for the next time I do the costume...(EDIT: I never did because I got cheap and never bought UFO pants. I also got stopped straightening my hair and got too lazy to keep going to raves. Oops. ;-P)

Amusingly, I did this costume for fun at a rave the previous month, and it went over well since people really identify "Mario" even when done as a variation. Which probably explains the fun I had with my next variant of "the Mario"...XD
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