ACParadise Network:
American Cosplay Paradise
American Cosplay Experience
American Cosplay Snapshots
Cosplayer PatrickD > Costume of Ferio (Magic Knight Rayearth)
- Most Recent Photo
- 12-29-2013
- Series
- Magic Knight Rayearth
- Character
- Ferio
- Year Completed:
- 2000
- Construction Difficulty:
- Easy
- Costume worn at:
- Anime Expo 2000
- Bakuretsu Con 2002
- Mikkakan 2001
- Otakon 2001
This Costume has been retired
About this Costume
- Construction Details:
This was my first costume created to wear at an anime convention. I had a lot of fun wearing it and that made me want to go to more conventions...and the rest is history. This costume was created by a former co-worker, but I created the sword and shoulder armor. The sword was difficult to make since I had to plan to take it on a plane across the country to Anime Expo 2000...and the fact it had a curved blade. I carved the blade from foam and wrapped it in duct tape and then foil tape. Sliding small dowels through the blade into the handle, the blade was held in place at the con.
- Personal Thoughts:
- When my best friend asked me to go with her to Anime Expo 2000, she told me that I'd have to bring a costume too. After trying to think up something I could do, I decided to dress as Ferio...which went well with her Emeraude costume. My former co-worker, Kathy Silva, helped make the tunic. Unfortunately, it's a bit big.
Wig Details
- Wig Brand
- Unknown
- Wig Name
- Unknown wig
- Original Color:
- Green
- Styling Time
- 0
- Wig Quality Rating
- 1 / 5.00
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