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JadeKat says, "I absolutely loved your Doll this past weekend at ACEN. I kept wanting to get close enough to ask for a picture, but we were always on opposite sides of a crowd or I didn't have my camera on me. XD"
For Doll from Black Butler
TakagiNaoSama says, "More Guild Wars cosplay yay!! Love the furry Norn armor ^^"
For Ranger from Guild Wars
KuramaBabe says, "*hops up and down* You are an AMAZING Kurama!"
For Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho
zippyelly says, "OMG, Tenshi! You look gorgeous! =)"
For Tenshi from Grenadier
Andichan says, "this looks very neat and well-made! turned out great! :D"
For Kozue Kaoru from Revolutionary Girl Utena