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My name is Sophia.
I like robots and butts.

I cosplay lots of mecha anime and Homestucks.

See? Robots and butts.

I've been at this game since 2006~

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zippyelly says, "You're an adorable Mercury! :)"
For Sailor Mercury from Sailor Moon
anna-neko says, "The wig was super pretty in person *_*"
For Princess Allura from Voltron
Bur Loire says, "you look so preettttty *A*"
For Kozue Kaoru from Revolutionary Girl Utena
White Rose Assassin says, "just that facial expression - really brings the bitchy princess to life! XD"
For Kozue Kaoru from Revolutionary Girl Utena
Samu-chan says, "Whoa! This is awesome!! You look just like her!! *o*"
For Tasha Yar from Star Trek: The Next Generation