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Cosplayer Kuroki > Costume of Sheryl Nome (Macross Frontier)

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Macross Frontier
Sheryl Nome
Special Variation:
Gira Gira Summer
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Anime Boston 2012Judges award, Anime Boston 2012 Best Overall Craftmenship
Costume worn at:
Anime Boston 2012
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Since I love this costume so much I am actually going to sit here and write out the details. Starting from the bottom.

The shoes were old disco platforms that I tor apart, drilled, painted, and lacquered. The thongs are made from the same material as my Juban which is a wonderful sheer cotton. I patterned out and made my own tabi from a stretch cotton. The juban was made from the previously mentioned sheer cotton. I didn't want to spend too much money on this costume this year so I knew I could find a chiffon at a thrift store in their home decor section. Instead I found this cotton, which I knew would be easier to work with. The bottom is pleated, and slipped stitched. The collar on the juban is scalloped, by hand embroidering the length of it. The blue kimono and juban are both drafted to fit more snugly than a traditional kimono. And the collar is slipped stitched as well. The obi is hand dyed as well as the trim. I made two stencils out of freezer paper and hand painted the obi bow.

The tsumami kanzashi on the wig are all individually folded pieces of cloth that are glued into the shape of a chrysanthemum. The gold bow was made with upholstery fabric, wire and cotton cording. The silver spoon type kanzashi are molded from chopsticks and clay then I cast copies in resin.
Personal Thoughts:
Okay. This costume is like my new all time favorite thing, ever. There isn't a thing I would change, not one. And that is a very first for me.
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