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Cosplayer Liza > Costume of Yona (Akatsuki no Yona)

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Akatsuki no Yona
Special Variation:
Happy Dancer
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
AnimeNEXT 2016
This Costume has been retired
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Ended up making most of this in one day.
nSince there are no color refs at the moment, I had free reign on color choices. Originally I was going to go with a pink fabric for most of the cosplay but while in the fabric shop, I discovered the pretty orange/red fabric that changes color depending on the lighting and I decided to go with that since those are the colors of the dawn.(Go symbolism!) I already knew I was going to use red for the shug and the hat will be black with a red flower.
nThe breast band is just a long strip of fabric that is tied in the back(and safety pinned down). Skirt is a wrap circle skirt. I wanted it to be pretty full so it would flow very nicely. Shug is made from a regular shug pattern with altered sleeves.
nHat base is half of a Styrofoam ball, covered in paper mache and spray painted black. Ties are just used from leftovers I had from the Love is War flag. I bought a cheap brooch from China and then added the "tassels" with the beads.
nRetired to being unable to breathe well or eat anything while wearing this.
Personal Thoughts:
Had to do more cosplays of my girl. <3
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