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Cosplayer efthemia > Costume of Homura Akemi (Madoka Magica)

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Madoka Magica
Homura Akemi
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Very Difficult
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
lmao this costume was such an undertaking but i'm actually so happy with how it turned out

i patterned the bodice by making an overbust corset-style mockup and then putting it on my dressform, marking all the weird cutouts and then making it into a new pattern. it's made from the wrong side of satin, with an interfaced lining and boning to give it enough structure. it closes on the side with a snap on the top of one of the side holes and then a small zipper for the skirt.

the skirt-- oh man i had been planning this cosplay for months and everyone thought i was insane when i first said that the skirt looked like it was made out of feathers in the movie and that i wanted to make it entirely covered in feathers. but i just couldn't parse the shape as pure fabric. THEN THE FIGMA CAME OUT and i found that i was actually right all along 8)

the skirt started out with just a circle skirt pattern that i hacked up into a high-low shape , and then i added a few more layers of circle skirts on top to get the right shape. i wear a petticoat that's just black tulle cut up to give a kind of raggedy shape underneath to give it enough volume, and luckily the feathers give the skirt enough structure that it keeps a nice shape.

then after i made and attached the base skirts i started attaching feathers. i bought about 500 feathers and ~8 yards of feather trims from ebay. the shorter feather trims were used on the top layers, and i took the longer feathers and glued them into strips of fabric to make trims, and then attached the strips to the skirt itself and just did this over and over again for many layers. i alternated between purple and black for each layer because although her skirt just seems pure black in the movie i thought it would look nice with some purple mixed in and THEN THE FIGMA CAME OUT AND CONFIRMED MY CHOICE HAHA

the stockings i made myself out of spandex and then kc painted the darker purple parts on while they were on my legs; i could've pieced them together but i was in a time crunch and didn't want to worry about fucking up quilting so paint it was.

shoes were black flats i bought and then sewed those little straps out of matte pvc, then glued them on. same for the arm straps.

the choker was just a fabric base, i found a really nice lace that i also used on my skirt and glued feathers onto it as well.

bought the gloves and altered them so that they fit better

elissa (jabberwocky @ tumblr) made my wings out of carved foam, pvc pipes and feathers, and did a really amazing job!! we had a hell of a time trying to figure out how to attach the wings with such a revealing costume as this one where the back and sides are almost completely open, but we ended up making a backpack harness that was mostly covered by my hair and attached by straps of heavy fabric covered in nude spandex that went over my shoulders and under my bust, and i think it blended in pretty well.
Personal Thoughts:
i saw the design for this when it was leaked before the movie came out and was immediately like "i fucking love it i'm gonna cosplay it"

then i actually SAW the movie and screamed angrily for hours about the ending and the context for this costume B| BUT DECIDED TO MAKE IT ANYWAY

the godoka is gomonmikado @ tumblr, i made his costume as well!
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