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Cosplayer Luna Cara > Costume of Edea Lee (Bravely Default: Flying Fairy)

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Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
Edea Lee
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Black under shirt: Made out of Spandex

Red top: Made out of Galaxy twill using a bodice pattern as a base.

Collar, arm warmers, and skirt trim: Made out of this white cotton material. I originally wanted to make her in game white skirt, but since I messed up making it and I happened to have left over galaxy twill from making my Blake cosplay, I ended up making her splash art skirt.

Pants: white stretch denim.

Armour: all out craftfoam attached with self adhesive velcro and lets just say it didn't really work. Hope to use worbla and use snaps when I make version 2.
Personal Thoughts:
I'm a big fan of Akihiko Yoshida's designs (since FF3 came out for the 3DS) so I was bound to fall in love with Bravely Default. And trust me, it's probably my favorite 3DS game. I actually wanted to cosplay Agnes first because of her dress. But after being introduced to Edea and seeing her design I knew I needed to cosplay her. Also if I were to have a video game character that I would say is exactly like me in terms of personality, it would be Edea. There were many instances I said something to myself while playing the game then she would say in the exact same way. It's creepy.

Her Freelancer outfit will be that one outfit that I want to make different versions of until it's perfect and I will make more outfits of hers. I've learnt a lot considering this is not only the first cosplay I sewed with no help, but the first time I made armour. So yeah. I'm really proud as of now.
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Arda Wigs
Wig Name
Wig Review
First time I did a crazy style like this and first time I worn a lace front wig. It took me 16 or 17 attemps because her hair is literally in a shape of a bird making it really weird to imitate. Like the outfit. I'm probably going to get a new wig and use similar methods. But I'm happy to learn some more and develop more skills.
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