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Cosplayer Andrew FantasyWorld > Costume of Marco Bodt (Attack on Titan)

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Attack on Titan
Marco Bodt
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Jacket its sewn out of broadcloth, I used a military jacket pattern and cut down the length to make the half size. The shirt is constructed from a black t-shirt attached to the outer shirt. the blood stains on the shirt was painted on red food coloring mixed with water to make that soaked through look. All of the gore was done with tissue soaked in liquid latex and then airbrushed with some black and red to make that gory effect then covered with clearcoat enamel to make it look fresh and gooey. Makeup was a pain in the ass, but basically the same as the shirt. The mesh over my eye is just pantyhose stretched over scar wax.
Personal Thoughts:
This might be my new favorite costume. I had planned it to be something I would just throw together to wear with some friends but it was so well received! Better than I had ever expected! I'll probably put a few more miles on this costume in upcoming cons.
Wig Details
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Wig Quality Rating
4 / 5.00
Wig Review
Overall good wig, I would've liked more layers of hair in the areas I was cutting short but considering it wasn't designed to be cut short beggars cant be choosers huh?
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