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Cosplayer Tigress > Costume of Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing (Hellsing)

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Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
After watching Hellsing for the first time, I had to do an Integra costume! This was rather simple to assemble. The biggest challenge was finding a double-breasted suit that wasn't priced in the triple digits. I scored one via eBay, altered it to fit and replaced the bottons with gold ones.

The cravat is made with two large strips. One is tied around the other, with the ends sewn into the knot and a small silver cross sewn onto it. The best part is that I can loosen or tighten it at will, should any No Life Kings happen to want to "bite" me!

To satisfy my OCD-ness and increase my bragging rights, I made Integra's poofy-shouldered blouse, which I based off a women's pleated dress shirt pattern. You only see the blouse in the intro art to the "Dead Zone" story arc and at the end during the shootout with the Major, but I love this character so much that I want to get every detail right!

I also recently added a pair of cuffed gloves. I can make them upon request, but they require hand-sewing, which racks up billable time. If you commission the suit or shirt and want the gloves as well, I'll offer them at a discount.

For some extra nice touches, I bought a white trenchcoat off an eBay knockoff site and had a con-friendly saber commissioned.
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