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Hello! Welcome to my cospage =P I'm one half of the cosplay team known as Angelywen. Lymin's my partner-in-crime and we're entering our 5th year of con-going/cosplaying ^_^

I make the vast majority of my cosplay, so I provide construction details for each costume on its respective page. This is mostly for my own record keeping, but if anyone wants tips/advice on making anything, feel free to message me.

Thanks for stopping by! =)

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RiderFan says, "If they were to make a live action version of the anime, you would not be the choice since you're too cute."
For Homura Akemi from Madoka Magica
ParnsAngel says, "MY FEELS. You look great!!! "
For Konno Yuuki from Sword Art Online
angelgirlsko12 says, "Thank you ^_^ Hope to meet you at SakuraCon if that ends up being a thing~"
For Konno Yuuki from Sword Art Online
angelgirlsko12 says, "Thanks~~"
For Konno Yuuki from Sword Art Online
angelgirlsko12 says, "Thanks~hope to meet you at SakuraCon! ^_^"
For Konno Yuuki from Sword Art Online