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Hello there, I???m Seifer-sama. I created this page a few years ago to have a place to post my progress and photos, as well as meet, share, and follow other cosplayers. I really enjoy meeting and hearing from other people who have similar interests as me, so feel free to message me and ask me anything. I???m always happy to answer any questions!

I first started making costumes in 2008 and have been addicted to it ever since. I enjoy hand embroidery and making wonderflex / worbla armor. I probably struggle with wigs more than anything, but I keep at it, hoping one day it might finally be easier for me.

My husband, EVZombie also cosplays with me and has had at least ten years of theater experience. He works on a lot of the props, special effects, and makeup for our cosplays.

Together, we both enjoy bringing our favorite characters to life and challenging ourselves to improve with each new project.


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seifer-sama says, "Thank you so much Amy! <3"
For Princess Zelda from Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors
VelvetCrowe says, "Wow, this looks incredible! This cosplay looks just like Zelda in Hyrule Warriors, even down to the small details!"
For Princess Zelda from Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors
seifer-sama says, "Thank you so much! <3"
For Jak & Daxter from Jak II
NyuNyu says, "Amazing everything! Your hard work really shows! I especially love the goggles and Daxter. :)"
For Jak & Daxter from Jak II
seifer-sama says, "Aww thanks!! <3"
For Kain Highwind from Final Fantasy IV