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I've been cosplaying since 2007 and I enjoy it a lot. Sewing is fun and I hope to, if not cosplay, at least sew clothes for most of my life.

Unfortunately, I have the worst habit of not taking pictures of my cosplays so until I feel like throwing on my costumes and having photoshoots, this gallery is going to be pretty empty :C

So far I have cosplayed (in order):
Tear Grants (Tales of the Abyss)
Luther Lansfeld (Star Ocean 3)
Namine (Kingdom Hearts)
Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Luke fon Fabre - Wild Saber version
Richter Abend (Tales of Symphonia 2)
Rose (The Legend of Dragoon)
Austria/Roderich Edelstein (Axis Powers Hetalia)
Bubblehead Nurse (Silent Hill 2)
Kiki (Kiki's Delivery Service)

So many cosplays and yet barely any pictures! D8 I feel so lame. Well, come Ax, I'll be SURE to get pictures!! And I have a new cosplay (maybe 2?) in store so those will be fun to see =3

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