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Hi there. I'm Meevies...obviously thats an alias but thats what you can call me. I started getting really into cosplay in June of 2007 and the first cosplay I ever did was SNJ Zabuza at Janicon in November 2007. My second convention was Megacon 2008 where I was Haruhi Suzumiya, Ringo Noyamano, and a Moogle. I found I really enjoy cosplaying and being in a place with so many like minded people. I've spent alot of time trying to find somewhere I fit in and I'm happy to say after nearly 20 years of not fitting in...I've found my niche. But yeah man how dorky did that sound...geeze >.> anyways. I'm looking forward to doing some more cosplays, hopefully more challenging ones and I plan on going to alot of conventions. I just...really enjoy it. I enjoy planning & making the costumes then wearing them to a con and having people compliment them. Sounds kind of conceited but seriously it feels good when people acknowledge the work you put into a costume. I'm part of a cosplay group called Bonzai. They're alot of really fun great people, sure we have our share of drama but what large group doesn't? But I'm reaching a happy place in my life and I couldn't be more excited about the future.


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StrawberrySiren says, "oh you're sooooo cute!"
For Moogle from Final Fantasy