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iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls

Description: In 2005, a raising sim put out by Namco took Japanese arcades by storm. Nearly ten years later and THE iDOLM@STER is still going strong having snowballed into a multimedia cash cow. Ten years is a huge milestone, so let's celebrate the best way an otaku knows how: with cosplay of course.

Location: We will be meeting at gathering space G2: the area next to the left staircase in the main space on the ground floor.

Volunteer Info: A cosplay gathering needs cosplayers so if you love THE iDOLM@STER in any of it's myriad forms, we'd love to see you there in costume. Pick your favorite character, favorite outfit, and/or favorite incarnation of the franchise. All are welcome and with outfits ranging from sweats to maids to astronauts, there's sure to be a costume that suits your taste. There are even dozens of new male idols in SideM for the Y-chromosome sporting members of the fandom.

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