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Construction Details:
Because I got so obsessed with the series, and (to my surprise) cosplay sites hadn't produced this design, I reached out to a friend for help on making this.

The top and sleeves were made by recycling two of my s/o's white dress shirt and black chef coat, pink ribbon leftover from my Chiaki Nanami cosplay used for the collar detail, random black elastic for the sleeves, and of course a zipper.

The pink tie is actually a scarf I bought off Amazon and we tied it the same you'd tie a tie and added elastic for ease. It came undone after I'd unpacked from the con.

I also bought gold & silver star-shaped hair clips from Amazon because 1. She's not Ai Hoshino without the stars. 2. It came in 20 PCE, so if I somehow lost one or two, I have more. 3. If I want to do the other design, then I have the stars because the black and pink has silver star clips while the default pink and blue has gold star clips.

Skirt, petticoat, and shoes were also bought from Amazon.

The bunny hair accessory was begrudgingly made by me Thursday night of the con. I had scrap white fabric, tissue for plush, random string, and sharpie for the face, lol.

I bought black (and pink) nail polish from Le Mini Macaron.
The star nail stickers from Olive and June.
The bunny nail stickers from Amazon
Personal Thoughts:
??? ??????????????????????????? ??????

Cosplayed Hoshino Ai towards the evening of Saturday at Momocon.

I binge read up to the latest chapter of the Oshi no Ko manga when the first episode aired, and after watching the full YOASOBI ??????????????????MV, I screenshot as much as I did to have references for the dark (black and pink) idol outfit. Down to the nails.

I messed up the order of the nail design bc I was rushing to put everything on that Saturday, but I already know I need to make corrections to my cosplay.

My only regret was not finding another Ai that had the (pink and blue) outfit. That, and I think all my friends are tired of hearing this song now. ????
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