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Cosplayer Hueco_Mush > Costume of Ulquiorra Schiffer (Bleach)

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Ulquiorra Schiffer
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
Sac-Anime Winter 2017
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Hollow Helmet -
I started construction in 2016 on the hollow helmet. I started off attempting to make this "organic" shape by hand with EVA foam. After 2 attempts, I found a pepakura version online that I spent hours putting together. I did 2 pepakura versions and got the sizing right. I did not seal the card stock properly, so the shape lost its integrity when I started gesso-ing it.
After much frustration, I decided to make a pattern off of the pepakura version to at least salvage something. With the patterns, I made a paper version and corrected the shaping. I created new patterns off of this "paper mock up" i had and transferred it to black worbla.

Jacket -
I based this off a regular collared shirt pattern. I modified it by making the shape more "form fitting." I really like Ulquiorra???s overall shape and silhouette and I tried to achieve it by moving the seams around on the jacket.

Hakama pants ???
There is no secret here ??? I basically bought a hakama pants pattern and followed the directions (not too many alterations). Ulq has an additional piece of fabric that is in the front and is covered by a black sash that I added. Its function???It???s stylish? My favorite part was having pockets.

Boots ???
I bought some espada boots from ebay. I painted the soles white with white Angeleus Leather paints. It???s very opaque and is highly recommended for painting shoes.
Total it took a whole year to complete.
His makeup was the biggest challenge and it takes 3 hours for application.
Personal Thoughts:
Definitely (and surprisingly) the most comfortable ever! It's perfect for winter cons...I think if I wore it during the summer, I will melt.
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