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Cosplayer Galaxeys > Costume of Alice (Alice: Madness Returns)

Most Recent Photo
Alice: Madness Returns
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
Anime Boston 2012
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
Don;'t get me started on the hobby horse....
Basic satin dress with an apron and corn syrup blood ehhehe.
Tights are from ebay and boots were bought and modified!
The vorpal blade is an EpicWeapons exact replica from Alice: Madness Returns >:) (what Alice fan's life would be complete without a replica sword...)
Personal Thoughts:
MY FAVORITE CHARACTER/COSPLAY EVER! I cannot stress how much I adore every bit of this game I could play it endlessly. I think Alice is oneof the cosplays I feel most confident in and have worn her to almost every con I go to. Sadly with my recent improvements to the cosplay I haven't gotten any decent photos, so hopefully upcoming I will have new improved photos showing off one of my all time favorite costumes!
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