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Cosplayer Giorgia > Costume of Witchblade (Witchblade)

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Special Variation:
Sara Pezzini
Year Completed:
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About this Costume
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Someone said about this costume: "it's most photographeted cosplay of all times", and I can believe it, cause to tell the truth, I've posed for about a thousand pictures (I'm not joking), in only four hours. What can I say? Witchblade represented for me a real challenge. How could I realise a so sexy and impossible costume? With the help of Joe, my make up teacher, that I want to thank again, I was able to obtain a professional and marvellous make up, and after a lot of hours spent to understand how to do the rest of this difficult cloth, I tried more techniques, again and again until I achieved the final result that everybody can see.
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