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Cosplayer JieKi > Costume of Ling Xiaoyu (Tekken 5)

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Tekken 5
Ling Xiaoyu
Year Completed:
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This was made as a commission for someone else

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About this Costume
Construction Details:
I pieced together another pattern, but pulled a stupid and cut the stretchy fabric the wrong way, so now it's not stretchy at all... SAD DAY. HOPEFULLY IT'LL STILL FIT HER... AAAAAHHHH I fail at life.

Borders are made from bias tape and ribbon. Never did I think that ribbon would be so awesome... Finally figured out how to do bias tape corners too. Sorta... I still kinda suck though... one day...

I had no idea how to make the front thing, and was actually too lazy to figure it out; I just installed a zipper through the whole entire back. BAHAHAHA.
Personal Thoughts:
Made in a short time span for a friend! It's technically not a commission because all I did was make the costume for her... while she bought all the materials! It was interesting... but I failed alot.
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