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Cosplayer Elly~Star > Costume of Helga Hufflepuff (Harry Potter)

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Harry Potter
Helga Hufflepuff
Year Completed:
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Costume worn at:
Dragon*Con 2012
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
I used three different fabrics for this costume, and I'm super excited that I found the black, white, and yellow stripe, even though it's very heavy. I followed a basic costume pattern, adding the piping in the front and along the sleeves. It laces up the back. It ended up coming out too big, so I'll have to make adjustments to it before I wear it again.

I bought the cup the night before I left for Dragon*Con, spray painted it, and weathered it. The necklace I also threw together the night before I left, using a pendant I bought at Joanns and random beads my mom had.
Personal Thoughts:
I came up with this group idea about a year ago, and was excited when Sketch (Gryffindor) and Shiva (Ravenclaw) liked the idea too and joined me. We recruited my brother to be Slytherin, because he'll wear anything that I make him :)

There isn't much canon design for the founders, other than the portraits now at Wizarding World and the chocolate frog cards. We each took our own approach to the design of the costumes, going by the idea that there isn't much information about 11th century clothing, but Wizards would likely not be bounded by the clothing that Muggles wore. Translation: we made what we liked :)
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Arda Wigs
Wig Name
Original Color:
Spanish Brown
Styling Time
1 hour
Styling Notes
I used a wig I already had, a Leia in Spanish Brown. I had taken out the braids for another costume, so I split each ponytail into three sections, then braided each of the sections. Each was looped up to the top of the pig tail, then I took the bottom of the loop and pinned them up towards the level of my forehead. Pretty simple, I did it the night before we wore them in my hotel room.
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