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Cosplayer Ivyna J. Spyder > Prop of Sniper (Team Fortress 2)

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Team Fortress 2
Item Name
Sydney Sleeper
Year Completed:
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About this Prop
Construction Details:
Made out of wood and PVC pipe and other odds and ends!

The stock was carved from poplar, partly with a bandsaw but a lot of it by hand due to the weird shape of it. The barrel, air tank and scope are PVC pipe and lots of bondo to get the weird shapes.

The darts are medication syringes I got from the vet, with dowels for the needles.
Personal Thoughts:
Yeeesss. I love how this thing turned out. I was very careful to get all the little details right since it's a really fun design.

I nearly cut my pinky off making it though, haha :D Be careful with power tools, kids.
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