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Cosplayer Kaurin > Costume of Cagalli Yula Athha (Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny)

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Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny
Cagalli Yula Athha
Special Variation:
Ending Dress
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Very Easy
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
I had purchased a pattern to make this dress, two actually, but one day I was walking through Goodwill and stumbled upon this beauty for $9.99 and decided it wasn't worth making! Fabric would cost much more than that. I made all the accessories. I bought hibiscus flowers at first, but they were just too large so I found these at Joann. I had the ribbon left over from making my wedding invitations. I bought hair clips and used hot glue to secure the flowers. The front floral clip was just glued on to a piece of craft foam and pinned to the dress so it is completely removable. The foliage was made of a single strand of faux ivy and was glued together and secured in various places with saftey pins. I wanted it to be removable and to have a natural looking lay to it.
Personal Thoughts:
It's not perfect, but for what all I put into it I am happy! You have no idea how many Goodwills I looked at for MONTHS to find a dress that was: 1. Fit 2. Right color 3. Semi-correct style!
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