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Cosplayer ChilmarkGryphon > Costume of Ash Landers (Black Butler)

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Black Butler
Ash Landers
Year Completed:
Construction Difficulty:
Honorable Mention
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About this Costume
Construction Details:
This was the second version of this costume I have made, and my first big solo sewing project: I had no outside assistance, and only used a pattern for the coat sleeves and the pants. It was so hard T__T

Suit: Cotton twill (too poor for silk twill ;_;), cotton voile lining, polyester satin accents, acrylic painted twill tape trim. The body of the coat was patterned via draping, which is why the seam placement is kind of, uh, special. The sleeves were taken from the Cosmode gakuran pattern. There are slits in the shoulder seams for my wing harness. The coat has bound buttonholes, the vest has hand-worked buttonholes. The satin was originally a super pale lavender and was tinted to be a more accurate light purple. The buttons and trim were all painted with gold acrylics to be a uniform shade, and my watch chain is actually a con-badge holder.

Wings: 9 gauge steel wire, plastic mesh, Great Stuff foam, felt, turkey rounds, turkey plumage (which is not the same as turky flats, ARRRRGH), distilled insanity. The steel of the armature curves over the tops of my shoulders, and the weight of the wings rests on my lower back: there are no straps. All the feathers were trimmed to shape. All of them. Including the little fluffy ones at the top that you would never notice unless you petted the wings. Yeah.
I'm not happy with them: Adam Kadamon's 14 foot wingspan has eternally warped my sense of scale. These things span my bedroom wall from corner to corner and I think they're TOO SMALL WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME D: The shape also needs improvement, because they look really silly from the front. Oh well.

Sword: Blade was planed from a piece of oak trim, handle is wire, Sintra, and epoxy clay, scabbard is paper mache and does not fit worth a damn and needs remaking so it doesn't take off the entire paintjob every time I sheath the sword.

Shoes: Leather dress shoes found on clearance, painted white. The brown leather stain has since bled through the white paint, even though I though I removed most of it with alcohol.
Wig Details
Wig Brand
Arda Wigs
Wig Name
Original Color:
Styling Notes
The silver looked too warm next to my boyfriend's periwinkle Hannah Anafeloz wig, so I gave it a dunking in Evening Blue RIT to tone it cooler.
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