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I'm a novice level costumer, but I'm in a club with others who are really good at sewing and patterning. They help me and in exchange I help them with hairstyling, painting, textures, etc.

Our club likes putting on skits whenever we can-- I love cosplay with emphasis on the PLAY :) Yoroshiku~

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ladyisla says, "I think you look perfect! May I ask how you did the boots?"
For Elizabeth from Persona 4: Arena
Moosey_Fate13 says, "Everyone looks amazing! c:"
For Sora from Kingdom Hearts
JadeKat says, "I about choked laughing at this picture. You are a majesctic creature as Hiromi."
For Hiromi Nase from Beyond the Boundary
Miyazawa_Lulu says, ""Future Staaa~r!" You're fabulous! XD"
For Hiromi Nase from Beyond the Boundary
breezytuesday says, "Megane moe for EVERYONE"
For Hiromi Nase from Beyond the Boundary