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Hello, my name's Nick!

I'm new to the site, and truth be told, I'm not the greatest cosplayer out there. The camera I use to take pics with is primarily supposed to be used as a video camera, so some shots turn out kinda blurry or grainy depending on lighting conditions.

I also tend to make costumes out of whatever I have on hand, or stuff I can find in thrift stores. ( A Rorschach [from Watchmen] costume I made, for example, was made out of stockings, a trenchcoat I found in a thrift store, black gloves from Wal Mart, and black pants with white lines I found at a Family Dollar.)

I can't order stuff online for lack of a paypal or credit card at the moment. My family helps when I need to sew for a costume. I want to learn for myself too though.

I do hope you like some of the stuff I make. I try to go for stuff that's recognizable, but not done enough. I'm constantly planning on how to make costumes for conventions, even there are only two I can attend.

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