Yu-Gi-Oh! Millenium Scales

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Millenium Scales

Post by Chaos009 » Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:48 pm

I saw that Wayne did an excellent job making these, and I loved the photo. I would be interested in making the 'Millenium Scales' myself, but have absolutely no idea how the ones in the photo were done, and no posts or threads seem to detail how to make them. If someone could tell me, or point me to a post that has such information, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You!
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Post by waynekaa » Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:23 pm

Hahaha, Oops, I guess I never did the scales. We can fix that. It's been almost 2 years since I made it but I'll try my best to remember.

Ingredients for easy to make type:
1 candlestick base
2 flat plates (3" diameter)
Modeling compound
A Millenium Eye (see the instructions for that I did previously)
1/4" wooden dowel, about 8" long
Golden thread
Gold Spray Paint
Scales stem: You'll probably have to shop around a bit to find the right base. I know I did, but in the end I got one that was steel. If you're good at carving, then you can use a wax candlestick base but you can't let it get near temperatures above 80 degrees. They make wooden ones of those so that's also a good choice. One of the main reasons I cannot make another set of Millenium Items is because I would not be able to make a duplicate Scale. Good luck finding one of those.

Something that resembles the Millenium Eye goes at the top, so you'll need to make a Millenium Eye first. You'll need to drill holes through the sides of it to fit the 8" dowel through. Once that goes through, you need to glue it down so that it doesn't slide back and forth.

You'll need to be able to drill three holes in the plates, equidistant, so it would be good if you can find the plates out of very thin wood or metal. If you try to drill ceramic you run a high chance of breaking it but I leave it up to you what you choose. Once you drill the three holes, then you can use the gold thread to attach the plates to either end of the dowel. You don't really want the scales to be able to balance anything so don't worry about fixing them down. It should be fine. Another word about the plates is make sure that they aren't too heavy or else they might break the dowel.

All the trim such as the rings around the base and arms, and that thing at the top were all custom, so use your modeling compound to make those. When all that is dry and solid then you can spray the entire thing gold.
Wayne of AGSMA

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