Upgrades to Standard Accounts at ACP/ACE/ACS

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Upgrades to Standard Accounts at ACP/ACE/ACS

Post by waynekaa » Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:33 am

ACP looks towards to future, and we have decided that we need more established costumes in our database
As of today, we're lifting some series restrictions on standard accounts.

1. Standard account holders at ACP/ACE/ACS will be allowed to upload costumes/photoshoots from the following genres:
Movie/Comic/Television/Entertainment that are not necessarily of Japanese Origin

2. Standard account holders still have a restriction on original costumes, including original variations of existing characters. Celestials obviously still have free reign over what they submit.

3. Instant Gratification has been extended to standard accounts for characters and series that are already in the database; however, unlike Celestial accounts, they will still be reviewed after the fact. There will be a large "This costume is still waiting to be approved by ACP/ACE Staff." on the costume page, but the costume will show up on your profile and the front page immediately. When the costume is approved, that message will disappear. If the costume is not approved (say it's Sexy no Jutsu Zuko in a bikini), the costume will disappear. If the character/series does not exist yet, it will be invisible until we can review it.
Wayne of AGSMA

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