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Sakura Matsuri Brooklyn Botanical Garden: Huge Press Op.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:24 am
by dressdragn
For the first time this year Brooklyn Botanical Garden is adding cosplay programming to their Sakura Matsuri events line up. What you may not be aware of is every year before the Tuesday before the gardens and Matsuri open to the public they have a press day where all of the performers and participants strut their stuff for the cameras.

That’s how the Times etc can publish their images/reports on the festival on the same day as it opens.

This year they want cosplayers to be featured in their media blitz. It’s a huge possibly one in a life time opportunity (impossible to say at this point if cosplay will be included in future years) to have your cosplay featured in a broad range of media outlets from TV, to magazines, news papers even radio shows sometimes attend.

Here’s what they’re looking for, “Big, over the top, take no prisoners costumes” “not traditional Asian, and non-kimono preferred” They are looking for both male and female cosplayers.

Press day will be from 10am-12pm on Tuesday the 28th if your interested drop me a line and include a link or photo of the costume you would like to wear. Space is limited so don’t be offended if they don’t pick you.

Either way, I'll see you Saturday morning at the festival!


Re: Sakura Matsuri Brooklyn Botanical Garden: Huge Press Op.

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:32 am
by dressdragn
I just want to thank everyone who made it out to press day, and all of those who applied. Everyone looked fantastic and did a great job posing for the press and speaking in interview.

I hope to see all of you on Saturday, you’ll have an all access pass so you can leave your things in the performers lounge and change in the dressing room.

I’ll be photographing at the J-Lounge from 10am-1pm Upstairs at the Osborne garden where most of the cosplay events will be taking place.

I’d love for you guys to stop buy and say hi, especially if I didn’t get a chance to photograph you individually. I was hopping to get everyone but then we we’re just so busy.

After the festival the BBG will review how the inclusion of cosplay went, so we won’t know about next year for some time. I have my fingers crossed for an expanded roll in future events.
