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Hiya Hiya

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:58 pm
by kappalizzy
Hi there everyone!

I am Kappa Lizzy, and I am new to the Cosplay world but I have cosplayed! Just not official characters. Lina Inverse will be my first cosplay!! I debuted this costume @ Akon but between the heat & the fact I am small & got bumped & pushed around my costume received damage. Like the kind of damage that requires you to remake it kinda damage.... Anyways. I am a survivor of a brain tumor & now my heart! :D So cosplaying,sewing is a way for me to sharpen my skills and forget about my health limitations. Eventhough the word says I cant not cause of this or that...I still like to try. Even if it means I need to act more aggressive it's not cause I'm crazy,or obsessed, just I hate being bullied by mean people. ^-^ So I try & like to have fun no matter what.

But I also love to cook, and travel! I'm very friendly and social and I got me a crush on Xellos from Slayers :D