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OOK cosplay idea

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 2:15 pm
by lolitacenobite7
so I was looking for costume idea and I've admired the people who create a whole new costume for a character. the sexy jutsu costumes based off of naruto even a lolita version of Hidan (naruto Shippuden). So I've decided to hop on the train and create something a bit different. I'm going to create a few ideas for gothic versions of different anime characters. If you have made something similar or you would like to post the idea here. if you have a picture awesom. the floor is open to any variation of your favorite anime and game charcters :mrgreen:

Re: OOK cosplay idea

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:59 pm
by Choji Warrior
:) Nice to meet you, sounds like a neat way to portray a character. I dont know if a similar idea has been done before but it really looks interesting.

Re: OOK cosplay idea

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:43 pm
by lolitacenobite7
yeah i like the idea of making your fave characters in a different style. righ now I'm working on a sexy jutsu goth choji. I should have picture up soon