Cosplays for a Pixie Girl?

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Cosplays for a Pixie Girl?

Post by pixiedark » Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:38 am

Hi All!

I've been cosplaying now for the better part of 3-4 years now, and I absolutely love it. I'm 26, 5'7 and have a small to average build. My only issue is with wigs. I've never liked them, they're hot, itchy, and they give me awful headaches. I've used them in the past for certain costumes, but I prefer to come up with ideas that I can use my own hair (a brown pixie) for, and often I come up short. I've kept my hair short for years, and have no plans on growing it out due to a medical condition that causes scalp irritation and burning the longer and thicker my hair gets, so pixie short it is!

All that said, I would love to read some suggestions for costumes for girls with short hair! I've attached a picture of myself for reference.

Thank you so much! :)

-PixieDark (any Stephen King fans here? :lol: )
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