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Swimsuit help!

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:44 am
by StrawberryKitty
Hey guys, as you all know it's summer and summer means swimsuit cosplay, I wanted to cosplay a version of a swimsuit version of Taiga I found online, but the thing is I don't know how to sew a swimsuit, so I don't know which patterns and fabrics are the best type to use and I need some advice/help.
Reference images:


Thanks!!! StrawberryKitty

Re: Swimsuit help!

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 8:17 am
by Rydia
For a swimsuit the best is lycra but I don't know if exist any with that design. If not, just ask for a white and pink square fabric. You can use yellow ribbon to make the yellow decoration, and pink ribbon for the thick straps and the bows.

Search for bikini patterns on internet, sewing magazines or use one of yours as a pattern.

I almost forgot. If you can't find that kind of design in any fabric, you can buy some white lycra and paint the pink squares, or pink lycra and paint the white squares. But that would be veeeeeeeery tiring!