Ahhh yes. Making a plug suit

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Ahhh yes. Making a plug suit

Post by *B* » Mon Feb 13, 2006 10:30 am

I've noticed before that there have been plug suit threads, but there isn't one now, so I'll ask. I'm helping my friend make Shinji's plug suit from Evangelion. I've never took on an endevor like this, so I'd like any helpful hints and suggestions I can get. We were thinking of doing it with spandex, but we aren't sure what to do for the bits that aren't fabricy.
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Post by lolita_otaku » Wed Feb 22, 2006 3:24 pm

hello ^__^
Ill be working on asuka's plug suit, its gona be a first for me to but im not evactly sure how its going to work.

So far im thinking of doing the body suit out of lycra
and the chest plate and sholder gear out of wonderflex plastic :D
let me know how yours go and ill tell you if i find out tips ^_^

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