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ACP Market Guidelines
The ACP Market is a place for ACParadise members with Celestial accounts to sell their cosplay costumes, props and wigs. The link to the ACP Market is here:

As with our Marketplace forums:
ACParadise does not take any responsibility for the transactions in the marketplace and will not serve as a third party for any disputes

Guidelines for the use of the ACP Market Interface.
1. All users can browse the ACP Market Interface.
2. You need to be a member of ACParadise in order to contact sellers on ACP Market Interface.
3. Only Celestial ACP Members can list items for sale using the ACP Market Interface. All users, including regular members can list items for sale using our ACP Marketplace forums here: http://www.acparadise.com/forums/
4. The ACP Market is designed for Celestial cosplayers to sell their used costumes/props/wigs. You can set your existing cosplay item for sale by editing the entry in your Tools section.
The ACP Market should not have:
-Commissions that you plan to make (i.e. costumes that aren't made yet)
-Non cosplay items
5. Mass production cosplay stores (i.e. overseas stores) are not permitted to use the ACP Marketplace to try to sell their goods. These stores should just take up formal banner advertisements instead.
