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Upgrading Membership
The majority of the features on American Cosplay Snapshots are free to use - we do this in support of the cosplay community. An upgraded membership access is available for a modest fee, however, which goes towards server maintenance and helps our other projects, such as American Cosplay Paradise and American Cosplay Experience.
Benefits of Upgrading
Standard Celestial
Pictures per Album 15 Unlimited
Types of Pictures Allowed Anime, Manga, or videogames only NO RESTRICTIONS*
Albums with Enhanced View 10 Unlimited
Instant Approval of Photoshoots No YES!
Easier and Quicker uploading of images No YES!
Cosplayer Statistics -
Find who's using your photos!
Con Galleries Viewable on your own Page? No YES!
Photo Statistics No YES!
Cost Free $15.00 / year
* All photos, regardless of membership level, must meet public decency laws - aka no nudity
The best part is, you don't even have to upgrade your own profile - you can show your support for a photographer by buying them a subscription instead!

American Cosplay Snapshots is always a work in progress - we will continue to add new features that we think will benefit those interested in cosplay photography. While some will be for everybody, most will be exclusively for Celestial members. So why not consider upgrading today?

You need to be logged in to use the upgrade form.

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