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OhioKimono - kimono, sake, tea, culture, and more!

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 10:58 am
by Ohiokimono

Ohiokimono is a store that travels to various cons, and has an actual storefront. A collection of various items from Japanese culture are offered for sale: kimono, obi, sake sets, tea sets, and more! Beyond sales, free workshops, and educational classes are offered to empower people who want to know more about traditional Japanese culture, and kimono.

On the Ohiokimono site, you can find a listing of upcoming cons, and workshops.

Website: (more details here)
Where: The store is located in the Toledo Ohio area.

*Authentic Japanese kimono! Everything is the real deal, direct from Japan! These are not knock offs made in china or produced by me.*