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Professional Photos?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:10 pm
by Andichan
Ok so I noticed that a lot of people on ACP have professional-quality photos on their pages taken at the cons. What I was wondering is, how does that work? Are there people who are already at the con who just take you out and send the photos later? Just curious. And also, for those who have done it, about how much does this cost? All the photos I have of my cosplays are a little...not so desirable-looking (partially why they are not posted up...).


Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 9:30 am
by Katasha
Most of the time there are many professional photographers at the conventions who walk around take a few pics of you and will post it up on their website later for everyone to see and for you to use. You can also book a time with them if you would like a full photo shoot, usually around 25 frames. And it costs on average $20. Or if you can buy a really nice camera and make one of your friends do a photo shoot and take like 100 pictures so no matter what you have at least 5 good ones to put up.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 12:47 pm
by Andichan
oh, I see. So usually people have to check the different photographer's websites to see if they have their picture up? Or does the photographer give the person their info?

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 12:57 pm
by mrs.tomoe
Check out for photo shoots in Cali. Pikminlink and her dad run it; he takes great pictures, and people can set up times with them at various conventions.

At some Florida cons, Cosplay Lab sets up a studio backdrop for cosplayer photos. No sitting fee, just come by while we're there. We used to roam and take snapshots, but the studio allows the Prof to control the lighting and experiment with dramatic effects. Plus we're just old fogies and can't walk all day anymore so we ask people to come to us. :lol:

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 4:45 pm
by kenshinkyo
In the north East we have Deathcom who take photos for free.
If you want a print of the photo it is then $12 for each 8 by 10

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 9:37 am
by Andichan
mrs.tomoe wrote:Check out for photo shoots in Cali. Pikminlink and her dad run it; he takes great pictures, and people can set up times with them at various conventions.

At some Florida cons, Cosplay Lab sets up a studio backdrop for cosplayer photos. No sitting fee, just come by while we're there. We used to roam and take snapshots, but the studio allows the Prof to control the lighting and experiment with dramatic effects. Plus we're just old fogies and can't walk all day anymore so we ask people to come to us. :lol:
cool! I will definately try to support Pikminlink then (since I live in CA and only go to cons nearby). haha I'm sure nobody minds coming to you since you are doing them a big favor. :D

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 6:18 pm
by mrs.tomoe
Most people want at least one nice photo of their hard work so we try to accommodate. :)

Since you're in California, look up Lionel too.
He travels to cons all over the globe and takes nifty pictures along the way, both roaming and set-up.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 7:02 pm
by Aigis
Lionel does take great pictures and he's very nice to hang with too! I would contact him. He's professional and fun. :)

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:29 am
by prince
I am very interested in this idea, but from the photographer’s side of the camera. I love photography, and in the last year or two I’ve started getting very serious about it. I haven’t had any official schooling/classes on the subject yet, but that is only due to my current schedule and work load… but I intend to hopefully start a few classes this fall/winter season.

I’ve done some work that you can see here but please keep in mind that I’m not a professional… so don’t bash on me to much. LOL Most of my work so far is either stills, my cats, or just local models who were looking for something specific. Pictures for the family, one wanted pics for the Maxim’s Hometown Hotties contest, and other’s we just for their personal use.

Other then my website, it’s nothing more then word of mouth that advertises me, and I would like to get more into it given the chance. Currently I’m using a Nikon D40 with an SB 600 and a SB 400 as a back-up, lens wise I’m on the standard 18-55mm. I’m hoping soon to get a 18-200mm lens, at least within the next month (or two).

For myself (free or paid) I think a chance to walk and work a cosplay would be great. That would provide me the additional experience, and get more of my work out there for the local audience and public. Word of mouth is the greatest advertisement, but you can only go so far with the local neighbors… with Cosplay events being as big as they are now, this could be a great thing for me, and hopefully the models as well!

So, can anyone offer any advise on how I could get more into this and not seem like the freak strolling the area with a camera? Do I need a had that says “Press” on it (okay, lame joke but I tried). Or is walking with a camera and business cards acceptable practice? Any help/advice for a semi-starter would be great!

I’m in the New England (Mass) area, and know there is the Con in Boston, as well as Port Con in Maine (which just passed) but I’m pretty sure there are more if I just look them up.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:50 am
by mrs.tomoe
prince wrote: Or is walking with a camera and business cards acceptable practice? Any help/advice for a semi-starter would be great!

I’m in the New England (Mass) area, and know there is the Con in Boston, as well as Port Con in Maine (which just passed) but I’m pretty sure there are more if I just look them up.
A vast number of people stroll and snap photos at every con so you wouldn't feel out of place with your camera in hand. When you see several (or a lot of) others taking photos of a group or a cosplayer, it's pretty safe to just join the fray. When you spot someone roaming, it's polite to ask the person for permission to take his/her photo. Person might not be ready at that moment (adjusting costume, taking a break, heading off to lunch, etc.) so it's good to give him the option of declining.

If you look respectable and behave politely, most people enjoy posing for photos. A business card or something to let people know where they'll find the photos of themselves is also handy. If people like your work and you become a "regular" at cons, people will get to know you and look forward to seeing you at future events.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 5:13 pm
by Aigis
Business cards are always handy. I use them for my art. As for taking photos. I live in NY, so new englandy area and I'm always looking for a photographer(s). I know a several groups of cosplayers up in Mass who would probably love to know you. I'm sure they will all be at the next AnimeBoston. XD One of them I swear knows every soul in Boston. I'll let her know and send her your site.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 4:18 am
by prince
That would be awesome!

Even if they want shots with no con (Cosplay progress, or prior to being in it all day at a convention, etc) they can contact me for that too. I'd be happy to work with them.

If you're up in the Mass area, or want me to touch base with you before I'm in the NY area, let me know and I'll do that. We can shoot away from Cons as well (unless I happen to be down for a con - lol)

Re: Professional Photos?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:59 am
by dressdragn
Many conventions will also offer photo services to their attendees, I know Otakon, AUSA, Tekkoshocon, Katsucon, Anime Boston, Anime Next, Zenkaicon, NYAF, ACen and a large number of other shows will have photo booths or rooms where you can go to get your picture taken. These spaces will not always be listed on the map so ask if your not sure.


Re: Professional Photos?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:17 am
by neljeffz
I actually use automatic photo editing software Portrait Professional the fastest way to airbrush and enhance your photos.

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