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Looking for Costume Designers for DDR Movie

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:55 pm
by lilac_chrome
Do you like DDR? How would you like to be a costume designer/maker for a movie based on DDR? 16 Hrs. Studios is now hiring cosplayers that can make DDR costumes for the movie. Just let me know if you're interested and I'll check out your gallery! :D

For more information about the movie, please go to We have some site difficulties so it's still under construction ^^;

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 5:55 pm
by Selphy
That would be hella fun, not to mention an interesting experiance. You can check out my profile, the pictures aren't very good and I am missing somethings in a few of my costumes (I almost didn't wear them because I am a perfectionist!) Please, let me know what you think! Here is my e-mail address!

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 6:02 pm
by Sterling
A movie about this game was in thought 2 years ago. Havn't heard anything till now.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 7:56 pm
by Selphy
It is awesome, I am excited about it. I am not a big DDR fan, but I love the character designs. I am actually going to college to minor in costume design! This would be right up my ally.

The thing is, we would need a costume design team. With as many characters as you are talking about, it would be hard for just one person to do. I am good at concept art, and putting things togather.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 9:42 pm
by Juri Arisugawa
I would love to do this but I need some more information. Are you looking for a costume designer (someone who draws out interesting costume designs) or a costume maker (someone who makes the outfits from the DDR game)? Where would I have to work? If I want to work for you, do I need to send a portfolio of costume designs? Do I need a resume? Am I obliged to sign a contract? I understand that maybe some of these answers may be on the website, but I cannot see the FAQ page, partly because the site is still underconstruction. If you could answer these questions it would be most kind of you.


Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 4:10 pm
by Selphy
Ditto, I would like the answers to those questions also. I am more of a designer then a maker, if that helps any. I also didn't get to see many sections of the site.

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 4:39 pm
by Sterling
Need any editing work? I've been told I'm "top notch"... I don't think I'm that great at it, but I'm always willing to help out. check out my work and tell me if you need anyone with a minor in TV Prod. and editing.

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 4:41 pm
by lilac_chrome
Juri Arisugawa wrote:I would love to do this but I need some more information. Are you looking for a costume designer (someone who draws out interesting costume designs) or a costume maker (someone who makes the outfits from the DDR game)? Where would I have to work? If I want to work for you, do I need to send a portfolio of costume designs? Do I need a resume? Am I obliged to sign a contract? I understand that maybe some of these answers may be on the website, but I cannot see the FAQ page, partly because the site is still underconstruction. If you could answer these questions it would be most kind of you.

I fixed the FAQ section, so go check it out, and I'm also fixing the entire site as we speak.