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cosplay dead end 2

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 7:44 am
by bluepaws25
ok, i've reached a cosplay dead end.
i am 5'2", 110lb, petite freckled girl. my boyfriend is 6'5", 210lb, handsome, kinda medium built.
we can't agree on who to cosplay as for Kumoricon!
options that i have
1) Lina and Gourry (from the manga) but he doesn't want to wear a long wig (if i can find what i need i'll do it anyways, value village has 50%off may26!!)
2) From Chobits Jima and Dita (not to special though)
3) Rogue and Gambit (but it's not anime and i'm not sure how to make her outfit.)
4) Eva-02 and Asuka plug suit (he has a month and that may take a long while to make and not sure how to pull off the plug suit).
5)He would be a great Leon from Kingdom Hearts (but i have no one to go as).
6) Making up some warrior and priest with nefty weapons.
I would like it to be something Great that people would want to take photos of but isn't over down (no bleach or naruto).
keep in mind we do not have a lot of time or money or patience.
but any ideas with pic's and links would be helpful.
Thanks, dea
ps. i think i posted this somewhere else but i think that was the wrong place, so i posted it here hoping i might get more replies.
anime keeps me sane and makes me insane at the same time! i love it!

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 8:51 pm
by Jasdero
sepheroth and arieth.....enough said..

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 8:12 pm
by Choji Warrior
Sounds good on pen and paper... But the boyfriend doesnt want to wear long hair. Other than that its great. Zack would be good since uh he doesnt have long hair. Though Sephy gets recognicione!

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 11:52 am
by miyuhime
How about Ranma Saotome (Boy and girl type) from Ranma 1/2? Can't go wrong with old school. ... /ranma.jpg

Good luck no matter what you do. =o)

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 11:53 am
by Jasdero
aww that would be so cute ^^ you should do that

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 5:44 pm
by Choji Warrior
I agree with the two, those two are excellent, and I am a huge fan of Ranma 1/2!!!

thanks for the advice

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 12:25 pm
by bluepaws25
not much of a ranma fan, and there's so many.
i have decided what to do at kumoricon
1st day- me= Lina Inverse (manga), him= Gourry
2nd day- me= Rinoa Dion, him= Leon from Kingdom Hearts
3rd day- me=Kaname in bontakun swimsuit, him =Sosuke (summer uniform)
now i just gotta decide if i want to wear a wig for lina or rinoa or just dye my hair (orange one day and while at the con dye it brown for the next day) i've got medium length strawberry blonde hair.
and hopefully my guy will come, we will have two months to get ready for him before the con!

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 5:20 pm
by Choji Warrior
Well if you put it that way it sounds better. It is up to you afterall! XD

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 9:04 pm
by pinkcatmints
That's great that you've made your plans! Good luck in the costume making now :D

~about the hair-dying:
Really think about that one. A wig may be expensive, but other than the cash, it's pretty commitment free. If you like your strawberry blonde hair, I'd say keep the brown out. Since with brown, you won't be getting your natural hair color back until it grows. Also, dying your hair twice within a time period of 2 or 3 days, might be tough on your hair. Luckily, you're adding color(since you're dying it darker not lighter) which is usually a good thing and from my experiences, it makes my hair feel refreshed-- like a really thorough conditioning ^^, still twice in such a small amount of time~ that's something I haven't done and it might be good to other people's opinion on it.
A couple more things to consider -- things I'm more sure about XP:
1.) If you're determined to have the perfect color shade-- dying your hair just before you need to use it may lead to a lot of stress. I've dyed my hair with numerous colors in which the result was completely different from what I expected. They have a little color code thing on the dye boxes which shows what the dye should do to most every shade of hair~ but still, it can be rather surprising and once it's dyed, it's hard to darken/lighten it only a shade or so.... kinda of a gamble

2.) If by dying it at the con you mean in a hotel room~ this can be a little tricky too. Not too bad, but dying can be such a mess making thing. You'd probably want to bring your own towels in case the dye would get on any of the hotels towels- might get charged for that. :?

anyways~ my point is just to consider it a lot!! : )

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 10:25 am
by bluepaws25
i have dyed my hair plenty of times. i onced dyed it blue! boy that was a pain! i had to bleach it twice, then use to different blue dyes, then 6 days later i had to dye it to a natural color, so that meant bleaching it again and then i had to have two different dyes to get a normal color and my hair at the end, as if nothing had happened! i gotta love my hair there, it didn't get fried or die on me.
and giong from color to other colors, i've found out how to do it right, and now what colors i should use. plus there is now that brand, forget the name but it comes in a orange with cartoon women on it and it sets at the top of the shelf and you can get it at any drug store, that is a temp dye and i've used before and love and it fades in like 6washes.
but alas, my guy won't let me dye my hair:(
so now i'm driving myself up a wall to look for 3 wigs.
One for Lina Inverse 9rather not be too orange), one for Gourry (for a guy, all of the blondes look too girly) and one for Leon (found good one but the shade is not right)...coming so close and not finding any that i am truely happy with.

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 2:30 pm
by pinkcatmints
Ah! Okay~ you're totally experienced, then np, just ignore my warning or..rambling.. whatever that was >.<

If that wig for Leon is perfect, maybe you could dye, or rather paint, the wig. I mean if you're spending a lot of money then it should probably be perfect, but if you're getting a good deal on it, I bet you could use some kind of spray type dye on it. I've heard that those are great for wigs. The shade might be hard to match though.. I know there are write-ups/threads on this. I think I saw some on