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Quick Cosplay.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 4:50 pm
by AeonYoko
I'm going to Tekkoshocon (This Saturday). I have a gothic lolita cosplay set and I've also planned on going as Kaoru Niikura of Dir En Grey. BUT:

Problem: No kaoru wig yet, no suit yet. May take ages to even find a suitable wig for this particular cosplay and most stores online without paying for priority shipping, won't be delivered in time for the convention date.

Question(s): Do you think I'd even be able to pull off a Kaoru cosplay? What may be some quick and easy alternative cosplays that I can throw together before Saturday?

(^Most recent.)

(Uhhh...purikura is fun?)

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:35 am
by UzumakiRamen
Okay, I googled pictures of Kaoru Niikura. :P
Yep, I think you can pull him off quite well. I usually buy wigs off of ebay. If you can't find exactly what you're looking for, then maybe you'll have to buy a similar wig and then style it on your own. You could find tips on styling wigs on

Anyway, since it sounds like you need a different cosplay in the meantime, how about cosplaying random visual kei / jrock / gothic / punk type stuff since it seems like that's what you're into..? As in dress randomly but look cool doing it. XD

I'll list a few anime characters that come to mind as well...
- DNAngel characters (if you have a red, blue, or purple wig, you can be Daisuke, Satoshi, or Dark respectively because their clothes aren't always consistent so you can put it together in your own way as long as you follow their styles)
- and uh....for some reason that's all I could come up with right now...

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:42 am
by AeonYoko
Thank you so much. ^_^

I may actually go ahead and throw together a VK outfit. Shouldn't be too tricky.