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if anyone can help with pictures, please...

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 10:22 am
by Seeker_of_Weird
my friends and i have considered doing a kujibiki<3unbalance cosplay for acen this year, but i cant find pictures of the characters we wanted to go as...

me: izumi tachibana
ruri: tokino
other friend: Kasumi kisaragi
(dont know what she wants to be called on here, sorry^^)

i found pics of tokino easy enough, and kisaragi isnt too hard, but izumi is a side character in the tv series, so i cant find any pics of the outfit(uniform)!!!

please help if you can! thanks!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 6:32 pm
by Choji Warrior
Oh ho side characters you say? whats the title. you certainly said them all in a rush. Slow down. So whats needed is this person named Izumi? Are the other costumes finished?

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 6:44 pm
by Seeker_of_Weird
the other costumes arent finished, but i have pictures of them...i mean, theyre sort of important so its not that hard to find them, but izumi has a less important role, i suppose....but its all good now, i found the official site

i have a side view and front view now, and the main site has the colors of their outfits so i think i have enough now!

thanks for the effort though! if you guys find any more pics, id love to see them!

and if anyone knows if izumi wheres glasses, thatd help a bunch!
i think that was her with the glasses in the first episode, but im not entirely sure because i never caught an introduction...

but i need only tv series pics, not the ova...she looks drastically different in terms of outfit and hair, and the whatnot, and pics of lisa/risa hanbii or kasumi kisaragi(vice president) will also be helpful!!

oh yeah, i think that my friend ruri will be going as risa now, not tokino, but i havent confirmed this with her just tokino would be helpful as well!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 7:33 pm
by Choji Warrior
Nice outfits is it uniforms though? They look great they not your average outfits id tell you.