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Hello! Question: Hellsing/Anderson

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:43 pm
by Sammo
I am going to MTAC (Middle Tennessee Anime Convention) next April and I am going to cosplay as at least Father Alexander Anderson from Hellsing Ultimate OVA. I chose the OVA style over the original anime as it is more true to the character and the coloring is superior, in my opinion. My wonderful fiance has almost finished the jacket and we also have the priest shirt, etc. My biggest concern is his blessed blades (which are essentially bayonets). I want to have at least 2 normal sized ones and possibly some smaller ones that I can take into the convention, aka no real blades or anything that could go against the rules. Has anyone ever made anything similar, and if so do you have any pointers? I was thinking of possibly something with cardboard for the shape & then either fine foil or painting it.

Another question, in the anime Anderson has the nifty reflection on his cross, glasses, and blades. My fiance were wondering how the clear glow in the dark paint would work for this. Neither of us have ever fooled with it in any of our costumes. My fiance does most of the work, bless her, and I was trying to find ways to help her out with part of the costuming. Any ideas or suggestions are more than greatly appreciated.

Yay, my first post!

Just for reference, here are a couple of pictures of the jacket: