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Clive from Suikoden (I cannot sew)

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:39 pm
by Genuine Loner
I can sew on buttons and that is about it. Anyone familiar with this character who could tell me some general info about getting material together for the costume? The picture I have of clive is a newer one for Suikoden 2 and seems a little complicated, especially the boots and the weapon (where am I going to get a rifle like that?). All help is appreciated.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:54 pm
by Aigis
I adore Clive and it's good to see that someone wants to cosplay him. He is a bounty-hunter so in reality, he wouldn't be wearing any type of fancy made materials. Think like a nature man who is in the wild hunting. I'd go with a nice thick and sturdy cotton, leather or wool. This really depends on your budget. You can go to the thrift store to get his belt straps and even get similar clothing. OR you can get clothing at a thrift store then cut those up just to use the fabric. That is a cheaper option then getting leather or wool at a fabric store. Cotton on the other hand is very cheap and if you plan on completely making this cosplay from scratch on your own, I'd go cotton. You can make boot covers for the boots, or simply buy some at a thrift store that are similar then painting them with fabric paint? There are many options you have. It depends on your budget, the time you have. His cloak, you really wouldn't have to sew, depending on the material used.


oh there are SO many sites to look for them, those are just three I found. Just look for "airsoft rifle" or "airsoft guns" in a search engine. They can be cheap or pricey. It depends on where you go. Check ebay too.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 7:03 pm
by Aigis
I will put this image up so people know what we are talking about. :) ... -clive.gif

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 10:06 am
by Genuine Loner
Ah thank you. Its definitely going to be tough find one that looks just right or at least a rifle that I can take apart to spray paint.

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 10:10 am
by Aigis
Yeh you might not find something exactly like his rifle, but at least close. Here is a website my friend gave me when I asked him about this. It's very good and cheap and you might be able to find something similar. He's bought from there before and he likes it.

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 1:41 pm
by Genuine Loner
Cool, thanks! Hopefully I'll have time to work on it when I get back.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 6:25 pm
by Cobheran
Ohhh, the gun is DEFINITELY the hardest part of this costume. The only really good shots of him from 1 are the artwork head shot and sprite. I did the version from 2 (I cheated and just used a shotgun which I almost got arrested for doing, but the pics were worth it), and I have to say that the gun was definitely the hardest part when i tried, and failed, to make it.

Don't know if you're interested in doing the version from 2, but here's what I did.

Cloak: I used a pretty generic LOTR pattern for the cloak, and a moleskin to make it out of. The color I picked is actually a greenish tint, but photographs gray. It was fairly easy to make, just a bunch of straight lines and following the pattern. I used screw-closing clasps from Lowes for the fasteners. If you don't want to make it you could probably commission one from someone for not terribly much.

The pants and shirt: I made both from cotton from scratch, but I'm sure you could easily get away with thrift storing these since they aren't intricate at all.

The shoes: Another pain in the ass, I basically took converse high tops and cut out shapes of paper to make them fit the entirity of the shoe, then used that as a pattern, sewed it together and hot glued it to the shoe. For the top part that is thicker, I used fabric covered foam attatched to the cover. I used the same cotton I used for the shirt and black. Then sprayed the sole with a copper spraypaint.

The Gun: A pain in the ass. I definitely reccomend just going with an airsoft unless you have LOTS of time and even more patience

Hope this helped some! :D

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 11:02 pm
by Genuine Loner
Thanks, helps alot actually.