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Need help making Anna's bandana

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 11:59 am
by moggykins
I 've never made anything for cosplay before as i'm going to my first at waterstones ( I live in the uk) and I want to go as Anna from shaman king. I'm not quite sure on the shape of the bandana whether its a triangle shape or just a big long rectangle. Can anyone help

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:23 pm
by Misstress Testament
Go with a long rectangle and little wider in the middle to cover your head.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:32 pm
by moggykins
Thanks I'll try that tomorrow, it's a little late here. :D

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 11:14 am
by mrs.tomoe
I've made that bandanna before. I used a rectangle of broadcloth, folded crosswise a bit off-center from half (instead of making the edges meet exactly, they were about 3 inches off from each other). Then I found an unwanted baseball cap (red is nice but any color will do) and took off the bill by undoing the stitching there. Next, I centered the front edge of the cap (where the bill was) on the folded edge of the red fabric. Pin the fabric with about 1 inch allowance under the edge of the cap and stitch in place for 6-8 inches or so (pretty much the entire length of where the bill was). When you're done, it should look as though the fabric was hanging down from the cap like a fake fringe/bangs. When you flip the fabric up and over the cap, all the stitching and the cap will be hidden. My "knot" is actually a separate tube of fabric tied around the bandanna with the ends tucked. This is easier and takes less fabric than actually trying to tie the big rectangle.

The cap is adjustable and helps the bandanna stay on your head a lot better because the weight of the big "knot" tends to pull the bandanna off your head if it's just fabric (which slides). Oh, here's a picture: ... meid=31848

Have fun!

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 11:45 am
by moggykins
Thanks, unfortunately i havent got a baseball cap so i decided to use a headband instead and it's worked pretty well. Thanks everyone. :D