All Your Help Are Belong To Me? (DiGi Charat Woes)

Need help with sewing techniques, or making a 10 ft sword? Seek help from other cosplayers here!
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All Your Help Are Belong To Me? (DiGi Charat Woes)

Post by reesu_la » Mon Jun 14, 2004 7:41 am

Hey! I'm making my Dejiko costume for the upcomming JAFAX 9 here in Michigan. (JAFAX = Japanese Animation, Film and Art eXpo)
I've made two other costumes before, but this is the first one I'm making on my own.
I need help with her boots and her gloves- I don't know how to make them and I want them to be as accurate as possible! If someone could help me out, that'd be really great! :D

ALSO- For the bells I'm using styrofoam balls, sanding them and then painting them. Do you think that's a YATTA! or a faux-pas?
(In other words: "Go for it!" or "Don't even think about it.")

Tips, Suggestions can be e-mailed to me at:


JAFAX 9: June 26-27 @ GVSU
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Post by mindtailor » Mon Jun 14, 2004 8:33 am

eeww... styrofoam balls don't like paint very much- they tend to melt and turn gross and misshapen. I suggest a layer or two of papier mache on them, then painting them (or just papier mache and paint). If you use papier mache on its own (perhaps around small balloons) you can even cut the opening out and make the wider band in the middle.

sorry about the eww, the character is cute!
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Post by Sterling » Mon Jun 14, 2004 8:40 pm

Gold, Hellium grade ballons under filled with normal airand painted at the tips will not weigh you down. Also, I think they sell plastic balls like that at Fabric and crafts store, that'll be excelent.

I've seen something like a round pillow being used

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Post by mrs.tomoe » Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:42 am

For the feet, sew the covers onto a pair of bedroom slippers. This will give you some tread to make walking safer, and it will also keep the covers from twisting (don't want those toes pointing backwards! ^_^ ). Sorry I don't have any pattern suggestions though. :(

For the bells, Walmart sells yellow, sponge-type balls. Sort of like "Nerf" but not as dense & heavy. They'd work well for her ear bells, but I don't remember whether there's a smaller size for the neck bell. Otherwise, I agree with the clear plastic ornament balls rather than styrofoam. Mask them, then spray paint the insides gold or yellow, and the plastic will stay shiny plus you won't have to worry about the paint getting chipped.

Dejiko is a very cute costume. Good luck!

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Post by Strawberry-moon » Wed Jan 17, 2007 2:14 pm

I'm doing Puchiko, so were kinda' in the same boat. What i did was aked a whole bunch of people how they did their feet and such, and NyuNyu (or Chibi Ice Wolf on gave me the link to her tutorial
( ) for her Puchiko feet, and it should work for Dejiko's. I have no solution for the gloves though ^^;
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